Ludo is an evolved form of Pachisi which originated from India back in the 6th century. Ludo is very well-rooted in the sub-continent. It may be the most popular game board of the history. The game is still popular as much as it was in the good old days. The name Ludo was given to this game by the British. Ludo has different forms. The most popular and the typical style of Ludo has the map for 4 players on the board. Players can choose their color to go with and then the game becomes a war packed with extreme fun. Ludo has many different names in different countries. Most of the names of this game are derived from the word Pachisi. Ludo is also available in famous board-game packages. Recently, a game named Ludo Star made its way to the Google Play Store. Although there are many Ludo games previously available in the Play Store, the game Ludo Star resembled the original Ludo game really well. With Ludo Star, you can have the experience as if you are playing the Ludo with the opponents in real. Ludo Star has become extremely popular within a very, very short span of time. The game has already hit over a million downloads for the Android platform. Ludo Star’s working is not restricted to Android OS only. With the help of an emulator, you can shift the whole game to your computer.
Now you can play Ludo Star for PC on Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, MacOS and OS X powered desktop PCs and laptops. To start playing Ludo Star for PC, you need to get an emulator like the BlueStacks, BlueStacks 2 or BlueStacks 3. Follow the steps coming up next to download, install and play Ludo Star on your computer.
Download Ludo Star for PC and Laptop (Windows 7/8/8.1/10 & Mac)
- Download Ludo Star APK
- Download and install Bluestacks: Bluestacks Offline Installer | Rooted Bluestacks | Bluestacks App Player | Rooted BlueStacks 2
- Once you’ve installed Bluestacks, double click the downloaded Ludo Star APK.
- The APK will be installed using Bluestacks, once installed open Bluestacks and locate the recently installed Ludo Star.
- Click the Ludo Star icon to open it, follow the on-screen instructions to play it.
You can also use Andy OS or Remix OS to install Apps for PC such as Ludo Star, here’s the tutorial: How To Run Android Apps On Mac OS X With Andy | How to launch Remix OS for PC and install Apps for PC via Remix OS.
The Andy OS and Remix OS tutorial explains how to play a game on your Mac OS X, but the same guide will also work for a Windows PC.
That’s all. In case you’re stuck with anything, reach us out through the comment box below.
cant u show us a vedio ?
@guleadanadan:disqus Where are you exactly stuck? Video is not easily possible at the moment. However, I can help if you are stuck at a certain point. Here’s ludo star running on my computer.
If BlueStacks is creating problems for you, you can go ahead with BlueStacks 3. Here’s the complete guide:
can you tell me how to make it work i am stuck