Some Hidden Features of Mac Latest OS X Yosemite


Recently Apple release the Stable and Final version of OS X Yosemite, which was quite stable and faster than the beta version, despite it took alot of time to download and the biggest problem was that if you Close the Lid, the Internet will disconnect and you might need to start the download from the very beginning. That very thing was the reason why it took me a lot of days to download this. The Size of this update was already 5GB and the downloading speed was max at 200kbps, you can understand my patience, however, it was successfully downloaded and installed, I start exploring the Secret features in it and with a little help from Google, I was able to found some of them very useful, that I though to share with you people.

Last Time we shared some amazing Key Short-cuts in Mac, praised alot by users. Every Mac OS X has some new features in it, some are so hidden that most users don’t even know that they exist, until they are shown to users, how you can utilize or even find them. Today we are going to show you 3 of the Hidden Features on Mac OS X Yosemite. Without further ado, Let us continue.



Quick Type Suggestions:

Like what we see in Chrome or FireFox, while typing if you make a mistake, it starts giving you suggestions and we have seen this Quick Type Suggestions in iOS 8 and this time the same feature is now in Mac OS X Yosemite. However, that feature is limited to only TextEdit app and may be some others. To activate it, press the ESC key while typing anything in TextEdit app.

From Your Mac, Close Safari Tabs:

Well this is a neat feature, however, not mentioned by Apple at all, that you can close all your opened Tabs of Safari opened in your device by Your Mac.

To Enable this:

  1. Open Safari.
  2. Click the Empty space of Toolbar > Customize Toolbar
  3. Then From the Options available, Click iCloud Tabs Button and Drag it to Safari Toolbar
  4. Now Just Click on that button and all the Open Tabs in Safari will be displayed there.
  5. Hover the Cursor over them and Close button will appear, Click it and the Tab will close.

Share Screen Via Messages:

Now in OS X Yosemite, you can share screen of your device with any other, using the messages app. To do this:

  1. Click on the Details of Person Message Window.
  2. If the party accepts your Invitation, you’ll be able to Share screen with them..
  3. However, once the Screen is shared, you’ll be able to talk with that person in Audio only.
  4. You can even block people, from you don’t want invitations

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