Bluestacks is an amazing software; an android emulator which allows you to download and enjoy Android apps on your computer. To get Bluestacks on your computer go to the Bluestacks site and download the software which is going to take just a while. Once the software is downloaded, install it and see a window pop-up on the screen. This is the Bluestacks software from where you can search any app in the Play store and install it on your computer.
This is the online installer and you need to have an internet connection in order to download. If you lose internet connectivity, the download will stop and you can not install apps by this method. Annoying, isn’t it? To avoid this hassle, you need to have an offline installer.
Offline Installer Features:
- Once you have installed the Bluestacks software, go to ‘My Apps’ from the menu bar.
- Now click on Set up Sync and give your Gmail ID and password to log into your existing Google account.
- This will synchronize all the apps from the Android Play store associated with the given account. Now you can download all the Android apps you want to your computer.
Pros of Bluestacks Offline Installer:
- If you are wondering why do you need to have Blustacks offline installer, here are the reasons;
- First of all, once you have installed it on your computer, you no longer require an internet connection in order to download apps.
- You will face any Bluestacks runtime data error.
- It is more reliable and much more efficient.
- This is the best option for the people with slow internet connections.
Download Bluestacks
Bluestacks offline installer requires you to have Windows XP or later, at least 2GB of hard disk space and 1GB RAM.
Update1x: New Links Added.
- Download Bluestacks Offline Installer for Windows XP/7/8/8.1/10
- Download Bluestacks Offline Installer for Mac OS X
I tried Bluestacks a few weeks ago…. after testing it out for a bit I found out there are a couple of big “catches” with using it. First, in order to use it you MUST agree to download and install apps periodically. That was something I was not made aware of before I installed it. The second issue I discovered was… in order for it to work with Google Play.. it will add another device to your Google Account. Ordinarily that’s not a big issue.. however, Google has the Play Store set up where once a device is added… it can’t be deleted from your account. So that means when you upgrade or sell.. or even lose your phone or tablet, it will stay on your account without giving you the option to delete it.. and Bluestacks is the same way; after I uninstalled it from my desktop top, the “Bluestacks device”, which showed up as being a SGS3 remained on my account and there is no way to remove it. The best I could do is hide it from displaying when logging on from a desktop. So if those two things aren’t an issue with you… then Bluestacks should be great.