Chrome: Fix Youtube Black Screen


Those who encountered Youtube Black Screen issue while using it on chrome, In this post, I’ll tell you how to fix Youtube Black Screen in Chrome. Those of you who don’t know what I am talking about, Let me tell you a little bit about Youtube Black Screen. Sometimes while browsing on Youtube you have noticed when you tried to play a Video and instead of Vidoe you see a black screen and no matter how much you refresh the page all you can get is audio. This issue is caused because of HTML player or Flash Player. Let’s start the guide to fix Youtube Black Screen on Chrome. 

YouTube Black Screen


How To Fix Youtube Black Screen:

Step 1 :  Open Google Chrome web browser.

Step 2 : Open the new tab and type Chrome://Flags.

Step 3 : In Flags Tab, Hit CTrl+F and Type disable hardware-accelerated video decode.

Step 4 : Now to click on enable button to activate disable hardware-accelerated video decode.

Step 5 : Restart your Chrome to apply these settings that you have enabled.

This method was only for Chrome, now if you are using other browser and getting YouTube Black sceern error follow the instructions below to fix it.

Fix YouTube Black Screen Using HTML5 Player:

This method is for all other browsers, all you have to do is type ” ” in your browser address bar. This will enable the HTML5 player and you won’t be seeing a black screen on Youtube.


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