5 Best Music Cydia Tweaks for iOS 8


Now a days, music is one of the primary reason why users purchase a Smartphone and thanks to this modern era, there are alot of Music apps and tweaks that helps the users in enjoying the true taste of Music. The stock Music app helps, but since it is made with kept in mind to give all the users ease, it doesn’t apply the feel as much as a 3rd party app or tweak can. Apple has made music Experience alot better in iOS 8, and the Genius Playlist plays an even better role in it. However, there are some users, just not satisfied with it, looking for new ways and new apps to give them even better music experience.

Apple Stock music app does boost a quality UI, but we all know there is nothing in this world which is flawless and works perfectly, users keeps looking for new things and implement new designs and stuff on their devices and apps. If you have a Jailbroken iOS 8 device,there are a couple of tweaks that will not only enhance your Music Experience, but also the looks and working of the music app, without further ado, let us go through the list.

5 Best Music Cydia Tweaks for iOS 8


Spectral: Free | BigBoss:

Not all the times we want to unlock our device and change music or make any other sort of changes with the app, sometimes all we want everything on the lockscreen, now who doesn’t want to showcase their music app, while your device is lock. Spectral Cydia Tweak will help you in this case by helping you in applying blown-up and blurred effects on the album shown in lock-screen, all you need is to Turn the Toggle On or Off.

MiniPlayer: $1.99 | BigBoss

This is by far the most elegant Music Tweak of all times, it allows you to import iTunes 11 Miniplayer to your iDevice. The best part about this tweak is that it can be accessible from anywhere and allows you to interact with your Music Effortlessly. This tweak is filled with small features like, mange with playlist should be played next or add songs to your next playing list, with fast and fluid animations, it makes listing delightful.

Aria: $1.99 | BigBoss

This tweak brings some useful UI experience to the music app, simply a tap and hold onto the song will let you choose between 3 options, Play Now, Next or Last. The Grid view lets you view albums and artists, the endless playing keeps the current songs goes on and on and you can also change the interface as per song.

EqualizerEverywhere: $3 | BigBoss

This tweak is equipped to provide you the exact environment that is necessary according to what you are using to listen, it basically uses the core audio to apply equalization to your Speaker/Headphones. You can also save presets, if you use different Headphones and Speakers.

Color Flow: $1.99 | BigBoss

This tweak allows you to colorize the lock-screen and music app, based on the current artwork you are playing in the Music App. It will look quite nice if the interface looks good with what you are currently playing. The latest version also brought settings to configure the app.

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