Lock Specific Apps Using Finger Scanner In iPhone 5S – How To


Last time we showed you how to fill password fields using finger print Scanner using a premium Jailbreak Tweak. Using the same Scanner, you can even Lock Specific apps and then they will only be unlocked Via your Finger Print scan. One thing that a user of iPhone 5S always wanted. The app is not free as usual, since it is providing such useful features and it is Apple Store of-course. Apple should have given this option by default, but there were a lot of problems when they tried it.


BioLockdown is a Jailbreak Tweak that allows you to Lock only those apps you want using your Finger print. With only $1.99 you can purchase this app and then it is up to you to lock those personal apps of you with style and more security.Here’s how to lock specific settings and apps with your fingerprint on the iPhone 5S.


Jailbreak your iOS Device.

Since the following tutorial needs an iOS device which is Jailbroken, you need to Jailbreak your device. If your device is still in its normal condition. Follow our Jailbreak Section to find out how to Jailbreak your device

Download BioLockdown:

  1. Open Cydia.
  2. Search for BioLockdown.
  3. Tap BioLockdown once the search is over.
  4. Tap Purchase in the top right corner.
  5. Pay and Close it and then Tap install.
  6. Tap Confirm.
  7. Restart your device

How To Use BioLockdown

  1. Go To Settings.
  2. Enable BioLockdown.
  3. Tap New Restrictions.
  4. Select the apps you want to lock.
  5. Once you have selected, Go back and Tap those apps to see whether they give you an option or not

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