Customize Messaging App In iOS 7 – How To


While on Android you can add contact picture and the same Picture can be used in Messaging apps as well, you can change the style from Bubble to Square, a Dream Text etc. On the other hand, iOS doesn’t provide such things, you can add Contact photo but the same photo can’t be used for Messaging, you can change the style of receiver messages and sender messages, you can’t if don’t have a Jailbroken device.


Messages Customiser is an app, that allows you to Customize a lot in messages apps, you can add Contact Picture, add colors to messages, increase the size of Bubble,  add a gradient to older messages, and even remove the tails on each message to get rid of that slightly cartoony look of speech bubbles. Without further ado, let’s find out how.


Jailbreak your iOS Device.

Since the following tutorial needs an iOS device which is Jailbroken, you need to Jailbreak your device. If your device is still in its normal condition. Follow our Jailbreak Section to find out how to Jailbreak your device

Download Messages Customiser:

  1. Open Cydia.
  2. Search for Messages Customiser.
  3. Tap Messages Customiser once the search is over.
  4. Tap Install in the top right corner.
  5. Tap Confirm.
  6. Restart your device

How To Use Messages Customiser

  1. Go to Settings.
  2. Open Messages Customiser.
  3. Change the settings you want to change.
  4. Most of them will auto explain themselves.
  5. For the rest here is a list below.
  • App Tint: This is the accent color throughout the Messages app
  • Gradients: This makes more recent messages in conversation view darker and older ones lighter.
  • Show Message Tails: This shows or removes the little tail under each message
  • Show Contact Pictures: This adds the contact’s picture to the conversation .
  • Wide Message Bubbles: This makes the message bubbles able to extend further to the left or right than normal.

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