Best Apex Legends Full HD Wallpapers


Get the most epic and cool Apex Legends Wallpapers in Full HD resolution here. You can get the wallpapers of characters like Wraith, Mirage, Bloodhound and others. Moreover, get the Apex Legends World Map Full HD Wallpapers here too. As a bonus, we have gathered the most amazing Apex Legends artwork published on Devainart. The artwork wallpapers are in random resolution. Therefore, you may have to cut and squeeze them to fit on to desktop or mobile display. Otherwise, all wallpapers are in 16:9 ratio.

The main premise of Apex Legends is to fight until you are the last one standing. There is no solo or duo mode. Therefore, it is the fight of the fittest and most cooperating team. Either team up with friends or find random players online. Moreover, at start of each match, it is not decided who’s going to be which character. Each player is randomly given a selection number. You could be the 1st of the last one to select. Lastly, while jumping on to map, only one of three is the jumpmaster. Other 2 team member do not have to touch any controls. Either follow the lead of jumpmaster or dispatch from the group when landing.

In order to download any wallpaper, just click on its thumbnail to open the full size image, then right-click on Image. Click on “Save Image as” in right-click menu.


Apex Legends Characters Full HD Wallpapers

The following wallpapers are in Full HD resolution. Note that some of these wallpapers may not be in regular 16:9 ratio. Since not everyone uses the same stretched monitors, this could be different. This collection includes wallpapers for Wraith, Bloodhound, Mirage, Caustic, Gibraltar, Lifeline, Bangalore and Pathfinder.

Apex Legend World Full HD Wallpapers

For those who do not know, this game is set in the world of Titanfall. Therefore, most of the map is either copied as it is or inspired. Moreover, you get same actions and gameplay mechanics like Wall-climbing, infinite height jumping and more. The gun fights and overall power ups feels pretty similar too.

Apex Legends Logo / Minimal Full HD Wallpapers

Apex Legends is a dynamic game. However, it does not mean that wallpapers are explosive too. The lovers of minimal look can find the best collection below. This includes both official and unofficial artwork for Apex Legends. Some of it is derived from its main logo while others are based on game characters.

Bonus: Apex Legends Devianart Best Artwork

Devianart is home to some of the most creative artists out there. Therefore, whenever a new game or movie comes out, artist that love that game, bring out amazing artwork. Apex Legends is currently one of the most played online games. Therefore, we have collected some of the most inspiring and unique artwork for it. If you like something, make sure to credit the creators and appreciate their efforts.

2: Multiple Characters Artwork

3: Lifeline Artwork

4: Bloodhound Artwork

5: Caustic Artwork

That’s it guys! Feel free to leave your feedback in the comments below.

Usama is a software engineer by profession and at he uses his expertise to solve everyday consumer tech problems with his main areas of interest being Android, iOS and Windows.

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