5 Best Android Apps to Save WhatsApp Status (WhatsApp Status Saver)


Here are the 5 best Android Apps to Save WhatsApp Status. These apps are also known as WhatsApp Status Saver apps.

Disappearing stories first came to be with Snapchat. This concept is since adopted by apps like Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and WhatsApp of course. WhatsApp status is becoming commonplace for people to share all kinds of stuff with their phone contacts. Some people use it to share text only, in form of queries or some information. Others use it to share some interesting videos and meme pictures. Therefore, this guide takes you through the best apps to save WhatsApp Status to the phone gallery.


How to WhatsApp Status Saver Apps work?

Before continuing, we should know how the Android WhatsApp status saver apps really work. In Android specifically, file management is pretty easy and open for users to explore. For those who don’t know, the statuses of all contacts are downloaded and saved on the phone’s internal storage. It is actually inside the “WhatsApp” folder. All the statuses are inside the hidden “.statuses” folder. Any users with adequate skills can access it and copy its contents anywhere. Therefore, all the WhatsApp saver apps actually use this folder to begin with. In order to make the experience better suited for everyone, the graphics and division of content come into play.

These apps divide the content into videos and images. There is no contact-specific division since it is not mentioned inside the folder. Therefore, it is all random and users need to find the exact status for themselves. Once found, saving WhatsApp status to the gallery from here on is pretty simple. Just select a file and press save. We have discussed this method in detail in the following guide:

How to save WhatsApp statuses by contacts to Gallery (Manually)

However, some people still prefer the apps to do the heavy lifting for them. Therefore, we have compiled a comprehensive list of all suitable apps for this job. Take a look for yourself and choose one.

Best Apps to save WhatsApp status to Gallery (Contacts’ statuses)

1: Status Saver

best android whatsapp status saver apps

It is one of the cleanest WhatsApp Status Saver Apps out there. It comes with all the essential tools that one can think of. You can save WhatsApp status to the gallery, watch videos directly in-app before saving, repost a status without even saving and all content is divided into two main groups.

Scroll to either left or right to open pictures or videos from statuses from your contacts. The length of videos is, of course, the same as the one in-app. 

There is one shortcoming though. We cannot search the statuses by contact names directly. It is not possible because this app does not have direct access to WhatsApp API or database. Therefore, you have solely relied on searching and browsing skills. If someone has thousands of contacts, then they may have a hard time finding specific videos or images.

Apart from this obvious flaw, this is one of the perfect contenders for this simple job. The interface is snappy, clean and very WhatsApp like. Therefore, you’d feel right at home when using it.

2: Status Downloader for Whatsapp

download whatsapp stories android

Just like our previous choice, this is one comes with pretty adequate graphics and user interface. The color scheme is mostly copied from WA itself. It comes as no surprise. However, it would still be cool for developers to put some effort into making their apps stand out from rest.

In addition to the required function of saving WhatsApp status in the phone permanently, you get some extra bonuses. The first worth mentioning is “Status Wall”. This is a place where users share interesting videos, images, quotes, and GIFs. You can download these directly to the phone and then put them on personal status. How cool is that!

Next up, you’ve got the option to send messages to unsaved WhatsApp numbers. I don’t know who thought this was important to include, but it’s still here for us to use.

As for the main purpose, it is a great WhatsApp status saver app and works just the way you’d expect it to. It copies and displays all the data from the “.statuses” folder into a more digestible form.

3: Status Saver – WhatsApp Status Video Download App

whatsapp status saver for android

What’s different about this app? Well, the interface is not green! That’s a huge difference. If you are not a fan of green looking WhatsApp status downloader apps, then go for this one. 

Under the hood, it works the same as every other app from its competition. It’ll copy videos, images, and GIFs from WhatsApp statuses folder. Afterward, all the files are displayed in a much easy-to-use format. 

The only two categories to use in this case are images and videos. Therefore, if you’re thinking of sorting statuses based on contact names or times, not possible. Scroll through the list and find the one you want.

And oh! One important thing. In order for a status media to show up in this app, you must first view it in the original app. It should download there first. 

4: Status Saver For WhatsApp

save whatsapp status android gallery

Looking for a simple and minimalistic app? This one may be the right choice for you then. After opening the app, there are just two buttons. One for Images and others for Videos.

It shows the images and videos that main WhatsApp downloaded to the phone while you were checking statuses. Therefore, these media files will disappear when the status disappears from the app. Moreover, a status image or video does not show up in the app unless it is viewed. 

Next up, scroll through the given list of status images and videos. These are not arranged on the basis of contact names or anything like that. At best, these are sorted based on download time or date. Therefore, your best way of finding a status is to just keep browsing until you find the one.

5: Story Saver For Whatsapp

best whatsapp status saver apps android

People share all kinds of interesting stuff on WhatsApp. These include funny videos, GIFs, memes, quotes, political videos, songs, and whatnot. Sometimes we do come across annoying statuses but that’s not important right now. This WhatsApp status saver app lets you download favorites videos and images to the phone gallery. Or just share it directly to your own status.

Either save one by one or select multiple files and save all at once. Just like other options, the only downside is the fact that we cannot sort these statuses with contact names or other filters. All files are shown in random order. In order to find any, just scroll through the list, preview it with a built-in media player and then save it.


We’d just like to highlight that none of these tools are here to help you breach someone’s privacy. It is possible that someone may share personal stuff on WhatsApp status and wouldn’t like anyone to download it. Therefore, please respect people’s privacy. Otherwise, if you find some funny or informative clips/images, then go ahead and save WhatsApp status using any of these apps.

Last Updated: 1/3/2020

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Usama is a software engineer by profession and at TechBeasts.com he uses his expertise to solve everyday consumer tech problems with his main areas of interest being Android, iOS and Windows.

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