Wake Your iOS 7 Device Using Air Gesture – How To


All the iPhone users must have been jealous of Air Gesture used in Galaxy Devices, it might not be a most functional feature, most doesn’t even used it, but still it is quite a Show Off, which was once Siri when it was released first. Too bad that iPhone doesn’t give such thing, now I didn’t say that iPhone doesn’t support, you can still wake your device with a single Swipe over your device. Like Rooting in Android, Jailbreaking in iOS has opened a lot of opportunities for the people to try new things on their device.


SleekSleep is a Jailbreak Tweak that gives you at-least one of the Air Gesture feature on your iPhone, with SleekSleep you can hover your hand over the proximity sensor and wake your device and also put it to sleep.

Jailbreak your iOS Device.

Since the following tutorial needs an iOS device which is Jailbroken, you need to Jailbreak your device. If your deviceis still in its normal condition. Follow our Jailbreak Section to find out how to Jailbreak your device

Download SleekSleep:

  1. Open Cydia.
  2. Search for SleekSleep.
  3. Tap SleekSleep once the search is over.
  4. Tap Purchase in the top right corner.
  5. Pay and Close it and then Tap install.
  6. Tap Confirm.
  7. Restart your device

How To Use SleekSleep

  1. Go To Settings.
  2. Tap SleekSleep.
  3. You can change Settings here, Adjust the Sensitivity of the Sensor.I recommend immediately changing the Cooldown setting to zero and the swipes to 1 for a better performing tweak

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