How To Disable Unread Number On Mail Icon in iOS


There is one thing that I hate the most about E-Mail apps, despite that they give us an easy way to reach our Mails and remain updated with latest events, but there is a little problem in almost all of these apps no matter which OS you are using, the app keeps showing the number of unread E-mails on top of it, but only this won’t be a problem, all those things which are synced with E-Mail also keeps showing these notifications, teasing as a Headache.


If you have tried everything else like Log-out then Log-in again or Clean your inbox or Select them all and mark as read, if not then we can provide you another way, the best way is to just Hide the counter. The following process will work on any app in iOS, instead of Mail if you are tired from any other app, you can do the same with it.

How To Disable Icon Counter Number

  1. Open Settings.
  2. Open Notification Center.
  3. Find the App you want to Clean Counter Of.
  4. Find the Badge App Icon slider on the left corner of Screen and Flip it off.
  5. Using this way you can Turn off the Counter.

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